Sunday, January 8, 2023

Summering 2022

Summering 2022 - Blakhouse Assemble

A new year has passed and almost another summery missed. Covid turned the life upside down and so did life in general.
2022 was mostly about putting myself together again. Finding ground under my feet and rebuilding daniel as a whole. It was a big challange but i have learned sooo much.
In some ways i have struggled with finding energy and interest in doing anything at all and in the end i started doing some PC gaming again and acutally felt quite good as a stress releaver
Because some how you can stay in the "you gotta improve your self and hustle" mindset every waking hour. Nor can you walk down the path of the past and trauma or the feeling of your current needs unmet
But more about each in each section. And as always this post is mostly for me trying to see how life is actually happening and sharing with friends and family who are more distant from my everyday life! Happy reading!


This is always an ongoing project. Getting the right furniture and plants and removing things that causes stress. Honestly i can say i have been nesting this year. Creating a home that i love and can live in.
It means also that i have gained more stuff then i removed this year. But most is for organisational needs. I still aim to keep a home of things that i need and want. And use what i have!
And alas comming year this also means so much more in an economical sense.


This is a big yarn of mess. Allbeit its not bad yet buying an appartment at the edge of what i could but afford along with stock market crash where I was down 40% ( now only like 25% ) made my stresslevels shoot through the roof.
In a time of rebuilding my self falling back to a place where i feel less priviliedge with the income i have was like being tied with your hands behind your back. And yet i have not been hit by the big increase in intrests yet.
Just my plans to pay everything back within in a nice 3 year plan is not backset to atleast 5 years or more. But i guess this is also proof of that while i see the defecit in my behavior i kinda live in the future which might be
causing unnessary stress!
But i have plans and backup plans and backup backup plans. But in general 2022 was a rollercoaster.

The good
  • 33k dividends
  • -80k on debt
  • start to rebalance portfolio
    The Bad
  • -40% on stocks ( heavly into property market )
  • Bad/Hard choices to stay afloat
  • Selling assets in a bad market


    No motorbike this year. No rental. Tough i did discover the E-Scooters and joined the voi programme. 250kr a month for 3 hours of riding total. Covers basically all my day to day needs and atleasts tickles the "mc nerve" a little =P


    No dates not even tried. Got the oppertunity to share my feelings, it was scary but i am greatful for the oppertunity. Love is wierd its alot and lovely and it can be hard and a struggle or it can be hard and still love above all.
    No idea where 2023 goes but atleast the foundation of Daniel 2.0 is done and means there is atleast room for it 2023.


    2022 didnt really have any scubadiving at all. I joined for the HLR ( heart and lunch rescoue 4 hour course ) And i did sign up for 3 star cmas certificate which i started. But it felt off. Stressed me too much and i was way to broken to keep up.
    So i took leave from the course. And unfortunatly it looks like 2023 is not going to be any scuba diving at all either. Other focuses and less money to move about with.


    Dancing have been such a big part of my life but covid and my messy mind changed alot. Lost a ton of confidence and body image and regained alot of lost weight. all effecting my mood and feelign for the dance.
    Hopefully this is temprary but it is a challange to fight your physical body alogn with your selfimage and negative thoughs and introversion to get out and do the work and have fun on the dancefloor. I know i like it and there are lots of cool dances to be had!
    Atleast got away to three camps this year with overnight stayes twice in denmark! ( keep it close? ) and ofcourse herrang!

    First out was Copenhagen Lindyexchange some push from a friend and mangaged to get some good dances out before i was physically hurting from it. Basically dancing so hard i start to get bone bruses in my feet! Also managed to get a taster tap class here and got a nice tast of tap again!

    Herräng was good fun drove up with a friend and made a roadtrip out of it! Hard to find better company! We also joined the beginner weekend balboa before the main week class of balboa started. Was a good week and getting the softstart was faboulus and the intensity of the camp ment body adjusted accordingly and lost like 5kg.
    second week i was supposed to have boogiewoogie but body said no for that kind of fast dancing so i swithched over to a partypass. New friends came up and old friends traveld home. This week i also asked a another friend to teach with me so first time ever doing a taster class in aerials as well as a full workshopday of aerials.
    Good fun but damn how nervous i was!

    Balboa Weekend CPH was last out of this years dance adventures. Was good fun but bearly manged to hold my body together. Which ment i focused on the classes rather the lots of socialdancing. Hard to choose when your body only manage 2-3 hours of dancing before it shuts down for the day!

    As mentioned before Tap dancing came into my view again after taking some break over covid. And there are quite a fiew in the community that wants to learn and have started learning. So basically during summer a few friends started meeting up doing improv teaching learning sharing sessions all while the weather was fine to be outside. Once fall hit we tried a few times at my place . But noice and tapping isnt the best hobby in an appartment on 5th floor! But i forsee 2023 will have more tapdancing!

    Personal Development:

    This year has been tough, i have had tough dicussions with friends and family. I have basically been rebuilding my self from the ground up. Which means also that some things is different. I am different and I try to convay this the best way possible.
    I doeas mean there are wires croessed and others effected. But also by no means i am done. I still am exploring and finding my way through this. I am however so thankful for the people who push and hold me accountable for being the best i can be and allow me to fail

    Beside the mental joruney I am doing I have now also done a full year of gym with 1-3 times a week and it has become a part of my daily life and a priority accordingly. Unfortunatly this doesnt mean i have lost alot of weight but i does mean i am getting rather strong
    even according to my own standards which is fabulous. And joining the gym which is more of community has been great part of this journey. so for 40 weeks a year i have a group PT session which half is dedicated to heavy lifting with the big basics such as bench, deadlift, military press, squats
    all with barbells! even cooler is that my group is mixed with people gender and age and seeing these not used to barbell lifts getting strong in deadlifts and benching and also eager getting stronger! So Inspireing! I even made the 1000# club where your deadlift. benchpress and squat was more then 1000#
    which made me happy! 2023 will bring more and i am looking forward to it!


    2022 was the first full year i was living in this appartment and i have really started to enjoy it. All from hosting events and dances to chillax and getting it to a place where i want it. And some of my friends are really a big part of this journey too!
    this year was also the first where i did have a real christmas tree! And actually more and more decorations for chrirstmas. I will allow me to have 1 box of christmas things for now in storage. Its been nice and very cosy to have the tree for the holydays!

    The Promenade:

    Another year another failure. I had exactly zero promades made this year. And honestly only asked like three people. But when the mind is in other places Its hard to have the energy over to engage in big art projects! So maybe aim for one person 2023? =D Will be tough to reach 1k people =P


    Work has had its ups and downs. Some part of work can feel really hard. Like connecting and finding friends amongest my peers on events and activties with the consultancy. As for the contract its been good but also hard times due to the nature of the work not the collegues. They have been awsome
    which now is a bit sad as my contract is now ending. Seems like a lot of companies are ending their contracts and trying to get contractors to convert to employees. I guess understandable and part of the nature of contract work along with the ecnomics of this time.
    Its been an interresting journey from hardware to software to prod release and maintainace handing over. Been a good company and people have been interresting and fun and inviting even for contractors! reivew of 2023 will tell us where i go from here!


  • Cats the musical at malmö live arena! Spoiled my self and BFF with first row tickets. and as dancers and people interested in not only the content but the dance and singing it was fantastic to be so close to it. You could see so much expressions and details. And yes one of the cats scared the living bejesus out of me =P

  • Skitrip to Funäsdalen fantastic trip by invetation. Being with friends snowboarding and skiing. Unfortunatly being fat and snowboard is a bad combo hard to get the feet in place. And when you do better not stop on a flat or fall! Half way through i did switch to skiis and signed up for a private lession and started to learning the skies
    Unfortunatly it was also an accident during the trip that been with us this year =( Bless my friend with strenght and curage to rise from the ashes as a phenix stronger better then ever!
  • Escape Room with friends whom of i only knew half. Was good fun allthough i had done the escape games before and rememberd some of the pussles unfortunatly. Need more escape rooms in life. They are good fun!
  • Dinner with murdermystery in växjö of all places. Was a bit adhoc weekend in växjö as my friend managed to score me a last ticket to the show she was doing! And it was a faboulus show with good dinner. And my next door companions invited me ( as i was a solo guest ) go guess and deduct with them. Nice family of 4 plus one fiance. Good fun would do again but maybe next time not aim for an overly expensive room. Even got locked out of my room and from the pool when i ventuerd on the sunnday for a some bathing. Due to my "late checkout" wasnt on the keykard. So had to walk down in bathrobe that didnt really fit haha!
  • Duett singng with a friend on an open scene! This was crazy totally crazy tough i am really happy she pushed me fore it. Bearly 2 pratices together and some solo pratice at home id manage to sing with her a duet "Oh the longer the waiting the sweeter the kiss" was the song. If you ask nicely maybe ill link it!
  • Post Modern Jukebox at Moriskan! a returning favourite. Though unfortunatly my friend was sick this day. Luckely half of the people there was basically dancers from the local scene so was not alone. BUt they where awsome and always nice with a band having tapdancers on scene! Fantastic voices and show! Already booked tickets for 2023!!!
  • Dara O Brian was a bit unexpected part of my life. A friend of a friend and now hopefully a friend of mine had a spare ticket for this show and i joined. Was a great show and good fun going! Good show with a combination of lots of laugh yet a red thread of story being told!
  • Annika Norlin Malmö at the local malmö festival. Been a longtime favorite artist of mine and managed to see her performance at the festival. This time also with a abit unexpected company but was good fun. And backing her up was the MSO ( Malmö spymphonic orchestra! ) So was a bit more punch then her normal performances.
  • Photography course a few friends signed up for a photogrpahy course during the fall. Was good experience and got to learn a bit more detailes about how the cameras work and how to think about photography! Also done a few outings where we where taking pictures. Would be fun to do more but time is limited!


    Ill maybe update this but its been a mess and mostly only audiobooks
    i keep following andrew rowes books.
    Found a new series called He who fights with monsters which i have found very entertaining!


    Films has been even worse then books. Havnt really watched any noticebla stuff 2022 but if i some memories popes upp ill try to update. Is going to the movies dead?

    Ps this post contains spelling errors and misstakes. Will correct as i go and as i become aware! Thank you for reading up on a slice of my life!
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